Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I did

Since the name of my blog is Call Wall, I wanted to use a brick wall as the background for my header.  Once I found a layout that I liked I copied it and, because it wasn't big enough, I had to copy it twice and put the two copies next to each other to make the brick wall longer.  After I got that situated, I put a 4.0 Gaussian blur on it because I didn't want the bricks to be the focus of the header. I also used the burn tool around the edges to make it look more shadowy and have more depth.
From there I downloaded the font"Grafitti" from and used that as my text.  I added an outer glow to give it more substance, bevel and emboss to make it look metalic, and a color overlay to make it blue.


Isaac T said...

It looks like 3D graffiti, with the brick wall on the bakground.

Amra_Elmo said...

This is pretty legit. I'm lovin the letters :)

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Modified by Vin